Monday, August 18, 2008

Mission Call

I received my call to serve on friday, August 16, 2008. I will be laboring in the California, Arcadia mission. I will be speaking Spanish and I report to the Provo MTC on November 5th.

I cannot even begin to describe my emotions. I know that there is nothing more beneficial, more necessary for me at this stage in my life. I can think of nothing better than to give two years of my life towards serving the Lord. I feel so blessed knowing that I will be preaching the Gospel to the people of Arcadia. This is an exciting time and I am very fortunate that I get to learn Spanish. I can't wait to leave! These next two and a half months are going to go by so slowly.

Due to all the family being in town for Sydnee's wedding on October 11th, my farewell will be on October 12th at 10:40 a.m.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Young Men's Backpacking Trip

On July 31-August 2, the Teachers and Priests in my ward went on an 11-mile backpacking trip in the high Uintas...our destination-Red Castle Lake. It was an adventure that can only be experienced firsthand. There is nothing quite like being at 11,000+ ft. above sea-level. As I took a few moments to myself, I couldn't help but think of this beautiful scenery as a wonderful testimony of God's creation. Something happened to me up there. I can't put it into words, but the Spirit and the peace that filled my soul was incredible. Rarely do we get an opportunity like this, and I tried to make the best of it.